Our top points of the year (so far)

Tips for your first tourney.

If you liked our "Oops, all pickleball tips" issue a few weeks ago, you'll love this issue's Highlight of the Week below.

It's a 2-for-1 deal (really, a 5-for-1). This week, we're covering some of the best pickleball points we've seen this year.

Also in this issue:

  • Tourney tips

  • Use the pickleball crystal ball

  • Serve rule changes coming to PPA?

  • Want to franchise a pickleball facility?

Let’s cook. 🧑‍🍳


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Top Points of the Year (So Far)

The bar is high for great pickleball point highlights in 2024.

The pros are somehow getting even better, and rec play is getting...well, if not better, than certainly more entertaining. You people are animals out there on the court!

So we put together our list of the 5 Best Pickleball Highlights of 2024 so far.

Can't Get it Past Daescu

Let's rewind to that time Andrei Daescu & Anna Bright took down the Doubles GOATs Ben Johns & Anna Leigh Waters.

  • The winning pair was on fire that day. Even when they were on the defensive, they doggedly dug out resets to shape the course of each point.

Pickleball's Future is Bright

We've seen many great junior pickleballer points this year, a sign that Gen Z and younger generations are taking over the sport.

  • But this point of pre-teens knocking out older competitors really lowered our jaws to the floor.

Catch the full roundup of this year's best points here.


Want to make sure your highlight is included in the year-end roundup version of the above?

If you’ve done something crazy on the court and caught it on camera, send it to us here.


Your First Tourney: What to Do?

We know at least a third of you have never played in a tournament before.

No judgement. But if you're planning on trying your hand(s) in a tourney soon, we have you covered.

We just dropped our First Timer's Guide to Pickleball Tournaments in which we unpack everything you need to consider before, during, and even after the action...because we're tired of hearing people say "just have fun!" as if that's helpful for a nervous newbie.

The guide is even helpful for previous tournament players, too.

We don't have room to paste the whole thing in this email, but here's the section covering what's arguably the most important part of tournament play: choosing your partner.


Your partner should share similar goals and expectations for the tournament, something you should have a conversation about well before you sign up.

Whether you’re both in it to win or just to have fun, being on the same page is crucial.

Communication, positivity, and consistency are key traits to look for in a partner.

Make sure you select the appropriate level for you and your partner. I entered a mixed 3.5 with my girlfriend even after she protested. People tend to play down a bit. We got crushed. I think we may have scored 2 points overall. She was not happy. - Rick P., The Kitchen Pickleball newsletter subscriber

If you can, practice with your partner before the tournament. Identify each others' strengths, develop a strategy, and decide who plays on the left and who plays on the right.


Find the full guide to playing in a pickleball tournament here.


Predict. Position. Prevail.

You have to read your opponents to consistently win in pickleball. But how do you do that when there's so much to watch?

To truly anticipate shots like a pro, you have to watch for the following tells in sequential order:

Watch the Paddle: It’s your first clue.

Read the Body: It confirms the direction the ball will go in (usually).

Track the Eyes: It’s the final tell that reveals what your opponent is thinking (& who they're targeting).

But there are other ways to make the person on the other side of the kitchen say, "How'd they predict that?!"

Read our full guide to reading your opponents here.


There’s a rumor floating around that PPA Tour is going to be making rules changes regarding the serve.

Key word there: rumor.

A video posted by pro Grayson Goldin appears to show a referee at a recent match explaining a proposed rule that would force pros to serve into a box within four feet of the baseline.

The very idea caused immediate backlash, with some pros taking to Twitter to denounce any serve changes whatsoever.

“…We should stop messing with the rules of the best game ever created and just enforce the current serve rule more strictly…” — Pro James Ignatowich on Twitter.

Good news, though. We spoke with Jason Aspes, president of UPA, who told us:

“We’re constantly looking to improve the rules, but this video of the new service line is not something that’s being seriously considered.” — Jason Aspes

Breath, y’all.


Up Your Game with…Mini Paddles

Pro player Jack Munro recently showed up to our shiny new HQ court to play some doubles pickleball...with a catch.

He and his friends had to play with trainer paddles made by the geniuses at ERNE, the smaller version of regular paddles meant to help you practice finding the sweet spot.

Jack published a video of the game and highlights who he thinks these training paddles are for.

Here’s a few more of our must have training accessories:


Want to Franchise a Pickleball Venue?

Indoor pickleball facility Pickleball Kingdom just keeps growing.

The chain just announced 36 new locations in Illinois plus another 19 in Indiana.

It’s definitely a good time to be a pickleball player in the Heartland and perhaps an even better time to be a pickleball franchiser.

The company is actively seeking interested franchisees. Learn more here or reply to this email if you’re interested.


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